My home is Mi Casa

I never thought Selene Signs would be in the position of starting a trend, but judging by our orders over the past year, there’s definitely evidence. Here’s a selection of customers’ house signs all with the word ‘Casa’ – Spanish for home or house. I’m pretty certain the majority aren’t destined for holiday homes on the Costas, and instead being attached to houses in the UK and USA.
It started when we launched our unique designs, Spanish Tiles and Mexican Tiles, based on original tile patterns sent to us by customers in California. They’ve turned out to be out best-selling sign designs. We’re used to seeing Spanish ceramic house numbers thanks to holidays in Spain, and they’ve made their way back to the UK. So even though that trend started over 40 years ago, people still see the number tiles as an option.
And so it came around that searches for individual tiles threw up our sign designs. Customers saw they could include a full house name at an affordable cost. As our signs are printed on aluminium by a photographic process, there is no restriction on the number of letters or numbers we can include.
Our customers have jumped at the chance to name their house after themselves – first name or surname; their location – Casa Fulham, Casa Sandhurst; or something meaningful – a rose, an oasis or twin palm trees. And we remain fascinated by ‘Casa Merkel’ – could that be for a holiday home of the former German Chancellor?
Of course, we’re also asked for Villa as an occasional alternative, and for someone who just couldn’t cope with all the possibilities: ‘Wits’ End’!